
Assist Access / Maintain Employment

Our program is focused on providing personalised support and resources to individuals with disabilities, helping them access and maintain meaningful employment.

Personalised approach: We understand that each individual is unique, with different skills, interests, and career goals. Our program takes a personalised approach to assist participants in identifying their strengths, talents, and areas of interest.

Collaborative process: We believe in collaboration and active involvement of participants in their career journey. Our team works closely with participants, taking their input and preferences into consideration when developing employment plans and strategies.


Job coaching: Our dedicated team of employment specialists provides individualised job coaching to help participants build relevant skills, improve job readiness, and navigate the job search process. We offer guidance on resume building, cover letter writing, and job application strategies.

Interview preparation: We offer comprehensive interview preparation support to boost participants’ confidence and increase their chances of success. Our team conducts mock interviews, provides feedback, and offers tips and strategies to excel in job interviews.

Networking opportunities: We recognize the importance of networking in today’s job market. We facilitate networking opportunities for participants, connecting them with employers, industry professionals, and community organisations to foster professional connections and explore potential job opportunities.

Inclusive hiring practices: We work closely with employers to promote inclusive hiring practices. We educate employers on the benefits of hiring individuals with disabilities and provide resources to assist them in creating an inclusive and accessible work environment.

Workplace accommodations: We ensure that participants have access to necessary workplace accommodations. Our team collaborates with employers to identify and implement accommodations that support individuals in performing their job duties effectively.


Our employment support program is available for individuals with disabilities who are seeking meaningful employment opportunities.

No, prior work experience is not a requirement to participate. Our program is designed to assist participants at various stages of their career journey, including those who are just starting out.

The duration of the program varies depending on the individual's needs and goals. Our team works closely with participants to develop a customised plan, which may include short-term or long-term support.

We assist participants in finding a wide range of jobs across various industries. Our goal is to help individuals secure employment that aligns with their skills, interests, and career goals.

Yes, we provide ongoing support even after participants secure employment. Our team is available to address any challenges or concerns that may arise in the workplace and provide guidance for career advancement.

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